

  • 重大セキュリティ事件
  • Microsoft Hotmail
  • メール消失大量発生
  1. ネットをチェックすると随分前からこの問題が上がっている。既に3年ぐらいは経過している雰囲気だ。これに対してマイクロソフトからの回答は要領を得ない。アンサーサイトでの討論で回答を試みているようだが、結局尻切れに終わっている。アウトルックに一本化する試みの手順上で重大な見損じがあったのではないか。
  2. 2015年になって遭遇したわけだが、この問題は結局どのように決着が付いているのだろう。全員が諦めているとも思えない。

Hotmail Users Lose Emails After Moving to Outlook.com

The transition continues, but plenty of users are now reporting a critical bug
Microsoft continues to encourage users to move from Hotmail to Outlook.com, the company’s revamped email service, but users are complaining that all their emails are completely gone once the transition is completed.

Neowin.net writes that users first reported the bug in October on Microsoft’s support forums, but after a couple of months, the main thread was closed.

Now users are once again complaining that old emails stored in their Hotmail account are removed once they switch to Outlook.com and even if some Microsoft moderators confirmed that the issue was being investigated, no workaround has been released so far.

So it’s no wonder that some of the affected users blasted Microsoft’s slow reaction to their problems and called for the company to issue a fix as soon as possible.

“I did NOT rename my account but now that I have gone from Hotmail to you idiotic Outlook, I cannot get access mail but am able to log in to your other dumb services! How do I migrate my mail to another provider?” one of the affected users said in a post.

Microsoft’s forum moderators, on the other hand, asked for more information on the problem, even if the first report was submitted to the company approximately four months ago.

“We would like to apologize for the inconvenience this might have caused you. It would be more helpful if you can provide us more details about the issue being encountered by providing us the required information below: affected email address, type and version of browser being used and operating system,” a forum moderator said.

In the meantime, the transition continues and Microsoft is currently sending emails to Hotmail users in order to encourage them to make to switch to Outlook.com. The migration isn’t yet mandatory, but Microsoft hasn’t denied the possibility to make it so sometime in the future.


